PT Bangun Gunung Sari PJTKI Resmi Depnaker SK No. KEP.519/MEN/2006 30-11-2007. PJTKI Yang Telah Berpengalaman Sejak Tahun 1989.
Dibuka Kesempatan Bekerja Ke Luar Negeri Dengan Gaji Standar Tinggi Negara Tujuan Singapura, Hongkong Dan Taiwan Melalui Proses Resmi Depnaker.
Posisi : Housemaid, Baby Sitter, Care Giver
Persyaratan :
1. Wanita usia 21-35 tahun
2. Ijazah minimal SMP
3. Tinggi badan min 150cm
4. Tidak cacat tubuh/memiliki penyakit turunan
5. Bersedia mengikuti training di BLK +/- 3 bulan sebelum pemberangkatan
6. KTP, KK (asli/fotocopy yang telah dilegalisir), Akta Lahir, ijazah min SMP, SKCK polda (khusus Taiwan), surat izin orangtua/suami bermeterai cap kelurahan setempat, foto 4x6 background merah 10 lembar
Gaji yang akan diterima perbulan :
Singapura ----> : SGD$ 350 atau +/- Rp. 2.500.000
Taiwan -------> : NT 17.280 atau +/- Rp. 4.800.000
Hongkong ----> : HK$ 3580 atau +/- Rp. 5.000.000
Biaya pemberangkatan dengan sistem potong gaji:
Taiwan : potong gaji 12 bulan, selama potong gaji, gaji +/- Rp. 1.400.000 perbulan, mulai bulan ke-13 gaji diterima full
Hongkong : potong gaji 7 bulan, selama potong gaji, gaji +/- Rp. 1.400.000, mulai bulan ke-8 gaji diterima full Kontrak 2 tahun, bisa diperpanjang menjadi 3 tahun tergantung kesepakatan.Perkiraan penghasilan dalam satu masa kontrak
Gaji & Biaya :
- Taiwan Gaji NT 17.280/Bulan (+/-) Rp. 4.800.000 Biaya Potong Gaji 12 Bulan Selama Masa Potong Gaji, Gaji +/- 1,5 Juta Total Penghasilan 2 Tahun +/- Rp. 76.000.000 Total penghasilan 3 Tahun +/- Rp. 134.000.000
- Singapura Gaji SGD 350 /Bulan (+/-) Rp. 2.500.000 Biaya Potong Gaji SGD 300 8 Bulan Selama Masa Potong Gaji, Gaji SGD 50 Total Penghasilan 2 Tahun +/- Rp. 43.000.000 Total Penghasilan 3 Tahun +/- Rp. 73.000.000
- Hongkong Gaji HK 3580/Bulan (+/-) Rp. 5.000.000 Biaya Potong Gaji HK 3000 7 Bulan Selama Masa Potong Gaji, Gaji HK 580 Total Penghasilan 2 Tahun +/- Rp. 90.000.000 Total Penghasilan 3 Tahun +/- Rp. 150.000.000
Proses : Pendaftaran > Medical > Training BLK > Ujian Kompetensi > Sertifikat > Paspor + Visa > PAP > Pemberangkatan
Fasilitas : paspor, visa, medical, asuransi kesehatan, astek, KTKLN, akomodasi selama training disediakan perusahaan, BLK nyaman dan representatif.
Informasi pendaftaran hubungi kami :
Noer Gumilang
Telp : (0274) 218 6349 / 0888-692-2925
PT BANGUN GUNUNG SARI, Official recruitment agency Manpower Decree No. 30-11-2007 KEP.519/MEN/2006. The recruitment agency has experienced since the Year 1989.
Opened to Foreign Opportunities Working With High Standards Salary Destination Singapore, Hongkong and Taiwan Official Process Through the Department of Labour.
Position: Housemaid, Baby Sitter, Care Giver
1. Women aged 21-35 years
2. At least junior high school diploma
3. Min height 150cm
4. No disability / has a hereditary
5. Willing to attend training at BLK / - 3 months before departure
6. KTP, KK (original / copy of which has been legalized), Birth Certificate, diploma min SMP, SKCK regional police (especially Taiwan), permits a parent / husband stamp bearing a local village, the red background photo 4x6 10 sheets
Salary to be received per month:
----> Singapore: SGD $ 350 or / - USD. 2.500.000
Taiwan ------->: NT 17 280 or / - USD. 4.800.000
----> Hong Kong: HK $ 3,580 or / - USD. 5.000.000
Cost of departure to cut salary system:
Taiwan: 12 months salary cut, for cutting salaries, salary / - USD. 1.4 million per month, starting in the 13 received a full salary
Hong Kong: 7-month salary cut, for cutting salaries, salary / - USD. 1.4 million, starting in the 8th salary received by full 2 year contract, could be extended to 3 years depending kesepakatan.Perkiraan earnings in a single period of contract
Salary & Fees:
- Salary Taiwan NT 17.280/Bulan (/ -) USD. 4.8 million salary Cut Costs Over 12 Months Period Cut Wages, Salaries / - 1.5 Million Total Income 2 Year / - USD. 76,000,000 Total income 3 Year / - USD. 134.000.000
- Singapore Salary SGD 350 / Month (/ -) USD. Cut Costs 2.5 million salary of SGD 300 8 Month During Period Cut Wages, Salaries SGD 50 Total Income 2 Year / - USD. 43,000,000 Total income 3 Year / - USD. 73.000.000
- Hong Kong HK Salary 3580/Bulan (/ -) USD. Salary Cut Costs 5 million HK 3000 7 Month During Period Cut Wages, Salaries HK 580 Total Income 2 Year / - USD. 90,000,000 Total income 3 Year / - USD. 150.000.000
Process: Apply> Medical> VTC Training> Competency Exam> Certificates> Passport Visa> PAP> Departure
Facilities: passport, visa, medical, health insurance, ASTEK, KTKLN, accommodation during the training provided by the company, BLK comfortable and representative.
Registration information contact us:
Noer Gumilang
Tel: (0274) 218 6349 / 0888-692-2925