Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Destination Info - Hongkong

Info Negara Tujuan Hongkong

Chinese families assume that white and black means death. If you work at the employer Chinese families, do not wear white or black at the time of the birthday of a family member employers, because it's considered bad luck ...
Hong Kong
A. Habits of the Chinese people in Hong Kong
1) Chinese families assume that white and black means death. If you work at the employer Chinese families, do not wear white or black at the time of the birthday of a family member employers, because it was considered unlucky.
2) Do not put chopsticks standing upright over the bowl, because it is believed will bring bad naib.
3) China's family also assume that red is the color bright. So do not wear red clothes at the funeral or other sad events.
4) Family china appreciate good cuisine, therefore, understand how to make dishes that taste appropriate / suitable for them will make you liked by them. Therefore, for workers who work at the employer's Chinese family, learn how to cook Chinese cuisine standards, especially soup.
5) When giving a gift not to give objects the sound of bells, because the bell is associated with a funeral that brings bad luck.
6) As a woman is not good when speaking in a voice loud / loud.
7) Hong Kong society has the attitude of discipline and diligent work.
B. Ways to maintain good relations with employers
1) Do not call long distance for personal purposes or purposes that are less necessary than the employer's home. If you do a long distance from home employer, make sure that it is already on the approval or consent of the employer.
2) Do not allow the "collect call" (borne by the recipient telephone bills) for long distance to you that comes from friends or family in the homeland, because the cost is very expensive.
3) Do not invite / receive friends at the house of your employer, especially if your employer is not at home.
4) Avoid talking using local languages / Indonesian family in front of employers, because they may assume you're talking about something bad about them.
5) Do not use the facilities at employer's home without their permission.
6) Ask your employer about what you should do and what you should not do, before starting work.
7) Before you start work, make sure beforehand what to expect from your employer.
C. Things that should be known TKI
1) Rights of the basic obligations concerning foreign workers in Hong Kong are listed in standard employment contract (ID 407)
2) At the beginning of work, ask for an explanation of work to do to have a picture in accordance with the wishes of employers. The picture is already stipulated in the Regulations' Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic duties "(Settings lodging and Housework) that is attached to the labor contract workers
3) Give the receipt of all fees that have you spend related to your placement process to facilitate the replacement / refund from the employer.
4) Your employer must stay at home for free, if you must stay outside the house with the consent of the employer, the employer must first notify the Immigration Department through a letter also signed by the employer.
5) It should not be working on other people other than those specified in the visa anda.Bila although only a sideline violation will be prosecuted and removed from Hong Kong and are not allowed to return to Hong Kong to work as migrant workers.
6) If the employer asked to work on other people or doing jobs that are not household chores, then had to report to the immigration department Inspection Section.
D. Employer obligations to migrant workers
1) Pay for meal and travel money specified in the contract of employment to travel to Hong Kong and also must pay back the cost that you spend to prepare the necessary documents.
2) Describe the type of job you have done. Work must be housework as specified in "Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic duties" in the employment contract.
3) Pay the salary of workers of each month at the agreed date, the amount of the contract.
4) Provide a day of rest (days off) at least 1 day (24 hours) in every period of 7 days.
5) Provide free meals during work, if not given food, meal allowance specified in the contract of employment must be given every month.
6) Bearing accident insurance
7) Provide a place to stay for free.
E. Prohibition for employers
Is not justified to employ you at another person and / or at work other than housework.
F. Type of household chores
1) Carry out household chores such as sweeping, washing, wiping, mopping floors, cooking, keeping the baby, keep toddlers / children etc.
2) Keeping the elderly at home
3) Other specified / agreed by both parties clearly
G. Payments and payroll deductions
1) Upon receipt of salary from the employer, should be examined in number and a new sign on the receipt provided by the employer, if it is appropriate.
2) If the salary given is not in accordance with the contract of employment, the employer should ask whether the calculation errors and do not sign the receipt of payment. If no satisfactory explanation about the lack of payment, promptly report to the Labour Relations Division of the Labour Department and the Consulate General of Republic of Indonesia in Hong Kong.
3) If you are directly damaged goods employer, the employer may momotong your salary to compensate for that omission. Number of pieces in accordance with the price of the damaged goods but must not exceed HK $ 300 and not exceed ¼ of the salary in payment.
4) The employer may cut salaries for state workers:
a) the absence of work that does not exceed the amount which is comparable to the period of his absence
b) deductions required or authorized by law, the amount of value to all of the pieces should not exceed half the salary of workers in the period of payment.
5) If the salary is not paid within seven days from the date of payment is specified, then the employer:
a) obliged to pay interest on outstanding salary
b) if one would be prosecuted and fined HK $ 200,000 and sentenced to one year imprisonment
6) If the salary is not paid within one month and date specified shall be dismissed without notice, the employer is obliged to pay salary in lieu notice, termination payments and other payments according to law.
H. Holiday
1) Type of vacation are the rights of workers under the employment contract are:
a) Bank Holidays
b) official holidays
c) paid annual leave
2) When you will make a new contract, workers have to take leave / vacation to return to their homeland that is not less than 7 days before returning to Hong Kong to start a new contract and employers who pay for this departure.
3) Notes on leave and payment must be stored properly to avoid disputes.
4) Any period of 7 days, workers have 1 holiday period is not less than 24 hours, respectively. Taking a holiday on the day this can be fixed or not fixed in accordance with the joint agreement and should have notified beginning of each month.
5) Employers should not ask workers to work on holidays except in emergencies. When force is against the rules.
6) holidays another day could be replaced by mutual consent and replacement should be in the same month or within 30 days after that.
7) The employer may not compel workers to work voluntarily on the day a holiday unless approved by the workers with the provisions of the employer to pay compensation according to the cost of replacing the employment contract.
I. Official holiday
1) The right of an official holiday for 1 year is 12 days:
a) Day-to-one in January
b) Chinese New Year until the day of the second and third
c) Day Chin Sun
d) Day one in May
e) the Tuen Ng Festival
f) The next day the Chinese Mid Autumn Festival
g) days Chung Yung
h) The Chinese Winter Solstice or Christmas Day (one chosen by the employer)
i) On 1 July
j) On October 1
2) If the worker has worked three continuous months prior to the holiday, then the worker is entitled to payment for such holiday.
3) The employer may request workers to work on an official holiday but had no prior notice of not less than 48 hours and give another holiday options within 60 days before or after the official holiday
4) The employer may not replace an official holiday by the addition of a salary or payment. If the violation will be prosecuted and if found guilty will be fined HK $ 50,000.
5) workers have the right holiday the next day when the official holiday falls on a working holiday workers.
J. Leave
1) Employers and workers can negotiate to determine when to take annual leave and confirmed in writing at least 14 days in advance.
2) annual leave not including holidays and official holidays. Should be given on other days when annual leave and public holiday falls on an official holiday.
3) the worker is entitled to leave for a trip for not less than 7 days. Paid or not depends on the provisions of clause 13 required the employment contract.
4) The employer may not compel workers to take unpaid leave time pergim overseas employer, must have the approval of the two sides.
5) workers would get a payment in lieu of annual leave not yet taken for each 12 months of termination of employment contracts. For years of service in excess of 2 months but less than 12 months, workers will receive annual leave payments are divided equally if the termination of his employment contract was not firing because of negligence / ugly deeds. For example, if workers work for 18 months and have not been taking annual leave and workers asking to quit or was fired will get paid annual leave replacement for 7 days and 3.5 days = 10.5 days.
K. Medical care and sickness benefits
1) If a worker falls ill or injured will be given free medical treatment by the employer despite his injury occurred outside and in the workplace. Including the cost of stay in hospital and dental treatment in an emergency.
2) According to the contract worker may receive care from any doctors who have and are determined by the employer.
3) the worker is entitled to receive sickness benefits if:
a) have compiled a number of paid sick days
b) sick leave taken is not less than 4 consecutive days and strengthened with the correct medical certificate.
4) The number of paid sick days is calculated by two paid sick days each month in the first 12 months and 4 days paid sick every subsequent month.
5) Payment of sick benefit 4 / 5 of a regular salary, and payment no later than the date of payment of regular salary.
6) workers can not be fired during a paid sick leave, unless the dismissal is because workers do not behave correctly, if the employer violates this rule then:
a) prosecuted and if found guilty will be fined HK $ 100,000
b) to pay salary in lieu notice, an additional payment equal to 7 days sick pay and payment of benefits are the rights of workers.
7) According to the Employment Protection Section on the Regulation of Work, workers can also create another way of solving the above dismissal is unreasonable and unlawful.
L. Termination of Employment Agreement
1) Prior to contract out any of the parties (employers and workers) may terminate the employment denganmemberitahukan in writing of not less than 1 month or 1 month salary paid to one party.
2) What should be done at the time of termination or completion of work contract, their status must complete all payments by notifying the Department of Immigration Work Visa Extension in writing within 7 days from the date of termination does not need to notify the Department of Labor.
3) Termination kerrja without notice or payment in lieu notice only permitted in special circumstances.
4) workers can be fired without notice or payment in lieu notice if:
a) The act or outrageous behavior
b) Conduct fraudulent or dishonest
c) Always ignore the obligation.
5) The worker may terminate employment without notice or payment in lieu notice if:
a) worries will be a physical danger because of violence or disease
b) Get the bad treatment
c) He has worked not less than 5 years old and unhealthy workers declared by doctors to continue working
6) In considering this matter, need to consider:
a) Is it because of the heightened emotion
b) Need to talk heart to heart to employers
c) Keep a strong evidence to support the case workers are not prosecuted for other parties.
7) If the worker was fired without notice or payment in lieu notification then:
a) Must notify the extension section in the Department of Immigration
b) If you want to demand payment of salary in lieu notice because it unilaterally decided to come to the Labour Relations Division of the Labour Department "
8) Any payment received at completion of contract:
a) Salaries are not paid
b) Payment of salary in lieu notice, if any
9) Payment in lieu of annual leave and annual leave are taken evenly divided for years now.
10) Severance pay or payment of a long working period, if any.
11) other payments associated with contract work such as a plane ticket to go home and money to eat on the go.
M. Protection work
1) the worker may sue an employer for unreasonable dismissal. For the protection of employment and work according to regulations as an employer responsibility
2) workers may sue for improper dismissal in terms of
3) According to labor regulations, 5 valid reasons for dismissal:
4) workers can sue for dismissal is unreasonable and inconsistent or contrary to law, among others:
a) The dismissal during pregnancy
b) The dismissal of paid sick leave
c) Provide evidence or information in court or hearings on the implementation of the Labor Act, industrial accidents or violations of regulations on work safety
d) Being a member of the union and join operations
e) Injured before the two parties entered into a contract agreement on the welfare of workers or prior to the assessment certificate is issued.
5) How to completion of the prosecution submitted by the Labor Court (Tribunal labor) that the results could give the command to work again, or make payments due to employment termination and compensation.
N. Severance pay
1) workers receive severance pay if:
a) Dismissal or contracts that have been determined not extended because of excess labor
b) He has worked not less than 24 months with the same employer prior to termination
2) workers receive payments for a long period of employment if it has worked not less than 5 years in a row and:
a) Dismissal or contracts that have been determined not extended by reason of bad behavior or excess labor
b) It is not healthy to work during the duration of a doctor's certificate and ask to stop work
c) Age 65 years or over and asked to stop work
d) Passed away at work
3) workers must not at once take the severance pay and payment for long working lives. Severance pay is given when workers laid off due to excess labor.
4) The calculation of severance pay and long working lives are:
a) (monthly salary x 2 / 3) x number of years worked. For that work has not been one year will be calculated on the average.
O. Airfares
1) Upon the termination or completion of contract workers will be given a plane ticket to come home in Free of Charge from employers, including tax airpot, meal and travel expenses
2) Air tickets can with an open date or date range, depending on the worker and employer
3) Money meals and travel expenses depending on the length of travel between Hong Kong and ground water. Usually given a 1 or 2 business days.
P. Information and complaints
1) To obtain advice or further assistance on worker employment contract form to:
a) Call the Department of Labor (Labour Department) 24 hours with the number 2717 1771
b) Call and come to the office of the Indonesian Consulate General Hong Kong at No.. 127-129 Leighton Road, Indonesian Building, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong SAR with telephone number (852) 28904421 ext 209 Fax (852) 2985 0139
c) Read a concise handbook brochures on the Working Rules.
2) Services provided by the Consulate General of Republic of Indonesia Hong Kong if there is a dispute with the employer about the employment contract or work rules are:
a) Assistance through the ministry of peace settlement are Free of Charge. If unable to claim the Minor Employment Claims forwarded Adjusdication depending on the number of claims
b) If the employer can not hire or other payments due to bankruptcy, come to the Legal Aid Department for assistance and to apply for a unit of Security wages ex gratia payment of salary protection for insolvent funds.

1 komentar:

  1. salam blogger,,,
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