Info Negara Tujuan Singapura
A. Social and Cultural Conditions
1) Natural Condition
Singapore is a country that has geographical latitude 1.22 north and longitude 103.48 east. Singapore is an island located between Indonesia and Malaysia, which has a climate almost same with Indonesia with a tropical climate and high humidity temperature.
The natural condition of Singapore has few natural resources that can be utilized, and therefore relatively small number of factories that melkukan processing industries that use natural resources, because these limitations are more reliant service industries and trade.
With the limited territory of the community encouraged to work hard and limited land, the growing high-rise buildings as office and residential-housing in the form of flats, flats or apartments.
Singapore is situated at the end of the Strait of Malacca, a strategic port city bordered by Indonesia and Malaysia, with an area of Singapore with 60 smaller islands that have economic value that is the island of Tekong, Sentosa Island, Great Bakum island, islands and island Merlimau Ayer cup. Singapore's population is 4,151,264 (July 2000) consists of various Chinese ethnic groups as 76.4%, Malaysia 14.9%, India 6.4% Other 6.4%. National language used is Bahasa Malay and English the official language. In addition, Chinese and Tamil languages are often used. Religious affiliation of citizens of Singapore include Buddhism, Islam, Christian, Hindu, Sikh, and Confucian tao.
2) Customs and Culture
Singapore's customs and culture has been developed since 1970 as a country that discipline in the regulations can be seen in cleanliness, public services, cultural line up, providing opportunities for older, disabled people, women. In their daily activities as seen queuing to ride public transportation, take the elevator, community service, supermarkets. Obey the traffic rules such as road markings, parking, public transport, a special mark on the car driver who just got a driver's license, the traffic lights and so forth.
Chinese society in Singapore
1) Chinese families assume that white and black means death. If you work at the employer Chinese families, do not wear white or black at the time of the birthday of a family member employers, because it was considered unlucky.
2) Do not put chopsticks standing upright over the bowl, because it is believed will bring bad naib.
3) China's family also assume that red is the color bright. So do not wear red clothes at the funeral or other sad events.
4) Family china appreciate good cuisine, therefore, understand how to make dishes that taste appropriate / suitable for them will make you liked by them. Therefore, for workers who work at the employer's Chinese family, learn how to cook Chinese cuisine standards, especially soup.
5) When giving a gift not to give objects the sound of bells, because the bell is associated with a funeral that brings bad luck.
6) As a woman is not good when speaking in a voice loud / loud.
7) Society of Singapore has a highly disciplined attitude and diligent work, which requires workers to discipline and diligent work.
Malay society
Malay community in Singapore has the second largest amount after ethnic Chinese descent. Descendants of Malay customs are as follows:
1) The majority are Muslims who embrace the Muslim culture, Islamic religious
2) Dressed in traditional Malay baju kurung, long pants, long-sleeved blouse, scarf (women) and pants and gloves (male)
3) Cooking kosher cuisine in accordance with the provisions agamaIslam like cuisine from Sumatra, spicy, bersantan, herbs spices
4) More fun to eat at home, rice or bread breakfast, lunch and dinner
5) In the month of Ramadan fasting, so do more activities done in the afternoon and evening
6) Be respected elders, hospitality and courtesy
7) Appreciate the people who run the religious discipline
3) National Holidays
Applicable national holiday in Singapore are:
a) New Year January 1
b) Lunar New Year
c) Labor Day
d) Independence Day August 9
e) Hari Raya Idul Fitri
f) The Feast of Eid al-Adha
g) Christmas Day 25 December
h) determined Holidays
B. Working Conditions
1) Work Environment
Most of the workers who worked in Singapore working as a Piñata like household in the daily work dealing directly with employers and employer residing together (in one house), therefore the workers must be able to adjust to the household environment.
Housing in general is flat, flat or apartment, so that workers must be able to adjust environmental conditions such as using the lift, hanging clothes, shopping, taking out the trash, may not receive visitors other than ask for permission to employers, always lock the house, spacious tempattinggal limited. Especially to hang clothes to dry because workers must have the skills to dry clothes through the window or porch should be done with caution.
Work at home as a baby sitter, nanny, taking care of elderly parents, carry out the work at home include cleaning house, washing clothes, ironing / scrub clothes, cooking, cleaning bathrooms and other work in accordance with instructions / practices in the household.
Most of the male employer and employer of women work started in the morning and come home in the afternoon or evening, so that migrant workers should be able to set the time to provide breakfast and dinner and also keep the house, caring for children and drove to school.
2) Working Time
Years of service in Singapore is for 2 years in accordance with the agreement and may be extended for a period of 1 year endorsement agreement with the work of the Embassy in Singapore and work permit extension of the Singapore Immigration. During the work is not allowed to move employers or employed elsewhere. When working in the informal sector as domestic Piñata like Singapore is not governed by the provisions, in order to protect the rights of workers and employers, such provision is determined in the employment agreement / contract that every worker is entitled to a break in 1 day at least 8 hours.
After working for 12 continuous months are entitled to annual leave for 12 working days with full wages. If not take annual leave the employer provides reimbursement on leave for 1 month.
3) Facilities
Employers must provide adequate facilities bedroom and its equipment so that workers can rest. Workers are entitled to demand food and drink as much as 3 times a day as needed and qualified occupational health.
C. Employment Agreement
1) Benefits Employment Agreement
Employment agreement (employment contract) is an agreement between workers and users as a basis to perform duties and tasks in a user with rights and obligations as stated in the regulations. The work agreement must be known and understood the entire contents of the working agreement and the two sides agreed to abide by and implement the rights and obligations, in which each party workers and employers signed an agreement.
A work agreement is useful as a handle and guide workers in implementing the obligations in the work to employers and get their rights from employers in accordance with the telahdisepakati and signed, and at the same time as the basis for carrying out the work.
2) The rights and obligations TKI
Rights of migrant workers
a) Obtain the humane treatment from their employers
b) Receive a salary every month
c) Save yourself the salary received either in cash or through bank accounts
d) Obtaining adequate bedroom
e) Get adequate rest periods (8 hours) a day and night
f) Obtain the need to eat and drink 3 times a day
g) Getting the chance to practice their religion in accordance with religion and belief
h) to obtain treatment when ill, including hospital care if necessary
i) Refusal to work on weekly rest day
j) Refuse to be employed in jobs that are not in accordance with the contract
k) Refusing employment agreement unilateral termination
l) To communicate with family and RI Representatives by mail or telephone at their own expense
m) Checking the amount of salary received before signing the receipt the employer paid
TKI Liabilities
a) Know your responsibilities. Ask for an explanation to employers about the job you should do
b) To perform duties in respect of work specified in the contract
c) Perform your duties well, honest and be polite to employers and their entire family
d) Able clean / tidy and well behaved
e) Be friendly, good relations with employers and helpful in working
f) Adjusting ourselves to the country where the customs work
g) Store / hold TKI documents (passports, visas, employment agreements, participant card insurance, savings book, ID card)
h) Determine the name, address, telephone number of the agency in the country of employment, RI representatives, employers and PPTKIS
i) Understanding the entire contents of an agreement, how many months of paychecks will be cut by PJTKA / Agency
j) a health check on doctors registered in Singapore once every 6 months shall be borne by employers
k) Create a work contract with your employer since the beginning such as determining the day of rest, annual leave, the scope of duties, welfare benefits etc.
l) To report the arrival / presence of myself in the Singapore Embassy in Singapore to the address at 7 Chatsworth Road, Singapore
m) Not easily affected by the Singaporean way of life
n) Carry the work permit card with you at all times. You should be able to show the card at any time if requested by the Inspector of Labor, Immigration or Police Officer.
3) Rights and Obligations of User / Employer
Employer Rights
a) Provide instructions to the workers to carry out duties in accordance with a job as a Piñata like household
b) Getting the job according to work orders as Piñata like household
c) Perform the correction of the work in accordance with the command as a stylist like household
Employer Liability
a) Pay the money to eat and the way specified in the contract of employment to travel to Singapore and also must pay back the cost of which has been used to prepare the necessary documents
b) Give a description of the work to be done. Work must be in accordance with specified in employment contracts
c) Pay the monthly salary and paid at the end of each month at the amount in the contract. SIN $ 350 minimum salary
d) Payment of salaries can be in cash (by making the sign of proof of payment) or through bank account (proof of deposit must be given to the TKI)
e) Provide a day of rest (days off) at least a day (24 hours) each period of 7 days without pay cuts
f) If a worker has to work on rest days, the employer must pay between SIN SIN $ 10 to $ 15 for each day of rest
g) To give a break to workers for 8 hours every day and rest periods during working hours
h) Provide free meals during work, if not given food, meal allowance specified in the contract of employment must be given every month
i) Bearing the cost of health care and health insurance
j) If a worker illness, injuries or work accidents, the employer must pay the entire cost of care and treatment to migrant workers recover, and replace the losses in accordance with applicable regulations
k) If the worker can no longer perform his duties as a result of illness or accident, the employer haraus immediately contact PPTKIS who send or Embassy in Singapore prior to repatriate the workers to Indonesia. The cost of repatriation and settlement of the rights of migrant workers borne by the employer or insurance which has been prepared by employers to workers
l) Provide adequate facilities for free for migrant workers to work in its place, a bedroom accommodation, facilities, nutritious meals 3 times a day, working clothes and the provision of other daily needs
m) Respect for workers in the conduct of worship in accordance with the adopted religion or belief.
4) Extension of Employment Agreement
a) If a labor agreement expires, employers and workers to sign the extension agreement and must be approved by the Embassy in Singapore at least 1 month before expiry of agreement. Extension of the agreement the work done directly by the migrant worker and the user does not need to be signed by the agent and PPTKIS but simply reported to the agency and PPTKIS sender.
b) The employer shall pay all costs necessary for the maintenance and renewal work permits shall raise the salary of workers at least $ 350 SIN
D. Things to know
1) Document TKI
Documents to be owned by workers are:
a) Passport
b) Work Visa
c) Employment Contract signed by the worker and the user / employer
d) Participant Card Insurance
e) Book Savings Banks in Indonesia
f) Foreign Worker Card (KTKLN)
g) ID Card upon arrival at Singapore
2) To report the presence of representatives of workers in RI
After the workers arrived in Singapore and worked for some time or times requested permission to employers to report the existence, work and work on who to the Embassy in Singapore. Of course, to obtain such permission workers should be able to convey your wishes with the best, so that the employer did not give a poor understanding.
When not permitted by the employer, workers can report to the Singapore Embassy by mail.
3) Insurance TKI
Each placement of migrant workers overseas workers must be insured in the country and / or abroad. For that workers must take and hold the Participant Card Insurance as a basis for conducting insurance claims in case of risks such as illness, death, work accidents, accidents, termination, unpaid wages, physical violence, psychological or sexual abuse, legal problems, repatriation of migrant workers with problems, loss of reason, the risk was transferred to another workplace, in accordance with the agreement of insurance claims. To make insurance claims worker or his heirs or his claim no later than within 12 months after the occurrence of the insured risk and should make a claim, have the heir certificate, a certificate from the hospital, police certificate and so on as a supporter.
4) Termination of Employment Agreement prior to the time
a) In the case of employers or workers, according to the agreement to end the agreement before the term of employment agreement ends, for deliberation in the technical settlement of returning migrant workers. Next to notify in writing at least 1 month prior to the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore
b) If an employer terminate an agreement before his time, who through no fault of workers and turned out to migrant workers still want to work in Singapore, then the agent must find a new employer, without any pay cuts.
c) If an employer terminate an agreement before his time, who through no fault of migrant workers and migrant workers are willing to return to Indonesia, then the employer must make restitution of the remaining salary until the agreement ends and bear the cost of airline ticket to the nearest airport with local workers in Indonesia.
d) If the worker end the employment agreement prior to the time when their employers violate the promise of any terms or conditions of employment agreement, the employer must pay the remaining workers by the Agent pay cut and make restitution for unpaid wages until the contract expires and bear the cost of airline tickets air up to the nearest airport to the regional origin of migrant workers. In addition, if workers have paid off its debt and still want to work in Singapore, the agent must find a new employer without any pay cuts.
e) If the employer or the worker end the employment contract prematurely, due to the error TKI (after examination and was found guilty by the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore), then the worker must work (minimum 4 months) until the debt or pay off the cost of delivery to migrant workers. In addition, migrant workers or bear insurance air ticket to the airport closest to the area of origin workers in Indonesia.
5) Prohibition for employers
a) The employment of migrant workers in others, more than one place of work in shops, restaurants, markets and / or at work other than work in accordance with the contract
b) Telling workers clean the exterior glass windows in the house or building storey
c) Perform the beating, other violent acts or acts that are included in the category of sexual harassment
d) The employment of migrant workers more than 16 hours a day.
6) Prohibition of TKI
a) Refusing to perform duties in accordance with contract employment
b) Conduct offensive
c) Never steal or lie to employers
d) They should not engage in immoral or illegal activities such as crime, prostitution or the use of illegal drugs
e) It should not be living together as husband and wife either by themselves or with friends of foreign nationals (Singapore, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India and others)
f) During the work must not be pregnant or bear children.
7) Hazards to escape and move employer
During the workers working in Singapore, perhaps workers persuaded someone to move the workplace, or fled to other workplaces and accommodated by the Indonesian people who live there or by people who are not known. Such actions are very dangerous and harmful, because without legal documents workers did not receive legal protection. Workers could become victims of human trafficking networks or becoming illegal workers., The purpose of forced or coerced into sex work. If the captured officers, their status can be imprisoned or forcibly repatriated to their homeland. For that workers should always be careful to:
a) Not persuaded by someone (a friend, an Indonesian, Agent, PPTKIS or anyone else) to run away or switch employers. It's very dangerous to personal safety and workers can be arrested
b) Does not move the employer without a valid reason or without renew the employment agreement document. It resulted in the rights of migrant workers can not be protected
c) Not to accept employment if the workers stay in Singapore had expired and not renewed. It is also a violation of law.
Dangers that can befall TKI:
a) Can be hired by force, without pay and without obtaining the rights that workers should receive
b) the fall was forced into sex work
c) Arrested and imprisoned
d) Returned to Indonesia forcibly
e) Being a victim of trafficking
8) Important telephone numbers to remember
a) Phone numbers of parents, husbands, brothers in Indonesia
b) Telephone number PPTKIS
c) telephone number BNP2TKI
d) telephone numbers Embassy in Singapore
e) Telephone number of Singapore Ministry of Manpower
9) Acceptance Salaries
a) Upon receipt of salary from the employer, should be inspected and the number of new signatures on the receipts provided by the employer, if it is appropriate. Employers must not cut workers wages at will if the worker made a mistake at work (such as breaking glass / plate) without intentional.
b) If the salary given is not in accordance with the contract of employment, the employer should ask whether the calculation errors and do not sign the receipt of payment. If no satisfactory explanation about the lack of payment, to report urgently to the sender PPTKIS, Ministry of Manpower of Singapore or the Embassy of Indonesia.
c) If the salary is not paid within 1 month and date specified shall be dismissed without notice, the employer is obliged to pay salary in lieu notice, termination payments and other payments according to law.
10) Dangers of Drugs and HIV / AIDS
For Indonesian Workers who work abroad
§ Drugs
Drugs are drugs that cause impairment of consciousness, loss of taste and lead to dependence. People who use drugs usually be people who can not control themselves, that makes emotional and agitated behavior uncontrolled, reckless and ridiculous. Drugs sold clandestinely hide because prohibited by any country, which makes the price becomes very expensive. Therefore drug dealers are very high in it and often uses ways to trick people by, among others, included in the handbag, shoe soles, purses or dating / marrying women were told to walk out of the country and considered to drugs without telling what the goods are entrusted. For that you must do the following:
ü Be careful, do not easily believe in people who have not known the way (for example in the airpot, bus terminals) do not put random bag easily be exchanged or touched by people without your knowledge
ü No persuasion or easily persuaded to follow the demand of people who have not known (for example, to bring the goods)
ü Do not use the goods or medicines given by people who are not known.
HIV-AIDS is a disease that is very dangerous, deadly and as yet no cure. People affected by AIDS can not be cured and within no longer going to die because they do not have immunity against the disease. The cause and spread of the disease among others through sexual intercourse with a person with HIV. For that matter you should do:
ü Avoid sexual contact other than with your husband or wife
ü If forced to do, should use protective equipment that is condoms.
11) The procedure for departure and arrival in the destination country
a) At the Airport Departure
1) Arrange to check in the aircraft at the airport to get boarding pass (card to board the aircraft) in flight by showing the ticket booth trip
2) Fill out an immigration card provided at the counter check in.
3) After getting the boarding pass, went directly to the immigration door closest to the counter to check in with the show boarding pass, passport and supporting documents departure
4) Sitting in accordance with the number of seats listed on boarding passes
5) Before arriving at the destination or arrive at the airport, their status will be distributed debarcation card (arrival card)
b) At the Airport Destination
1) Prepare a passport, work visa and disembarkation card to the process of immigration checks at the immigration counter (desk imigration)
2) The immigration will allow passengers out of the airport after getting confirmation from the various parties in the country concerned for airport pick-up
3) Make sure that the party is a company or agency penjemput, to prevent fraud.
12) The procedure for homecoming
a) Preparation before departure
§ The employer or agent must notify the plan of returning migrant workers to the agency and the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore later than 1 month before the return date TKI
§ In the case of contract workers has been completed, the employer or agent responsible to the Indonesian migrant workers send back to the airport closest to the area of origin workers. Employer or agent is not allowed to repatriate migrant workers or the surrounding Batam
§ The cost of air ticket paid by the employer or agent in accordance with the provisions of the cooperation agreement placement.
b) workers are in Terminal 2 of Soekarno Hatta Airport
§ Prepare a passport, airline ticket and boarding pass
§ Fill out the form with the arrival of the officer requesting assistance BNP2TKI
§ Queue in an orderly manner at checkpoints passport by immigration officials
§ you towards the set of goods, skewer label luggage with boarding pass mark (a tear mark baggage), raise your luggage onto the trolly (impulse goods) available
§ Exit the special line workers, to bring your luggage to the bus that has been provided to get to Terminal 4.
c) workers are in Terminal 4 (Building Data Collection Return Selapajang TKI) Soekarno Hatta Airport
§ Check your luggage, do not let anyone miss
§ Go to the counter data collection
ü Prepare your passport and luggage to the data
ü When you have completed the employment contract and did not experience problems, you can directly buy land transport tickets or plane tickets in accordance with your destination
ü When you come home on leave / renewal of employment contract, then you are obliged to report to their BP3TKI amsing PPTKIS area or you are dispatch
ü When you go home because there are problems abroad, then you should go to the counter complaint TKIs with problems to be given advocacy
§ Purchase a land transport tickets or plane tickets in accordance with the objective of returning
§ Go to the waiting room and wait for return call
When someone asks for money, do not be afraid to immediately report to security personnel.
d) Travel to the regions of origin
If the way home using land transportation:
§ Once your name is called, you are welcome to ride on land transport / vehicles that have been provided
§ Check your luggage, do not exist are left
§ Record the number of police cars and a chauffeur.
In the event of problems on the way, according to local police or report via SMS number 08136544645.
13) Information and complaints
To obtain further advice or assistance for free, you can contact the National Agency for Placement and Protection of Migrant Workers (BNP2TKI) Directorate of Protection of the Asia Pacific, Singapore Indonesian Embassy Consular field (65) 67371371, Division of Immigration (65) 67335215, 62351009, Section Administration (65) 6733690, 67377422.
E. Problems and how settlement
In the event of a dispute between workers with employer efforts should be made as follows:
1) Deliberation and consensus, to the prospective migrant worker must be able to convey these problems by employers for employers willing to settle or satisfy TKI
2) Ask for assistance to the Agency and PPTKIS to be able to resolve the problem, if not successful completion can be submitted to the Ministry of Manpower of Singapore in accordance with applicable legislation
3) Ask for assistance to the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore.
Where problems can not be resolved for workers do not return to Indonesia.
F. Tips for success is a migrant worker
1) Always pray and practice their religion properly
2) Carry out the work properly and diligently
3) Current communicate with the user / employer and his family use the local state language
4) Maintaining health and hygiene
5) Maintain good manners and honest
6) Dress clean and tidy
7) Do not move things home user / employer without their consent
8) Ask your salary every month in accordance with a predetermined date as possible and use as needed, reserving and tabunglah for the future.
G. Maintaining good relations with the user / employer
1) For those workers do not call long distance / long distance for personal purposes or purposes that are less necessary than the employer's home. If workers do long distance from home employer, make sure that it is already on the approval or permission from the employer
2) To prepare themselves both mentally and skill because Singaporeans are hardworking
3) Do not allow the "collect call" (borne by the recipient telephone bills) for long distance / long distance to you that comes from friends or family in the homeland because they cost very expensive
4) For those workers do not invite / receive friends at the house of your employer, especially if your employer is not at home
5) Avoid talking with the regional / Indonesian family in front of employers because they may assume you're talking about something bad about them
6) For those workers do not use the facilities at home without the permission of their employer
7) Ask your employer about what you should do and what you should not do, before starting work
8) Before starting work, make sure in advance what is expected by your employer.
H. Strengthens mental and faith
Man alive as long as nothing is free of problems, but it definitely has a problem, just that each person is different and the most important problem is how do we deal with it. For workers who work in those countries that have indigenous culture, nature / behavior that is very different from us like a grumpy, fussy, stingy, less humane coupled with very much the work will cause its own problems. This tebtunya will be feeling sad, disappointed, hurt, resentment and others. If these conditions persist and accumulate will cause feelings of distress (stress) are heavy and will make a desperate attitude that ultimately suicidal. It is certainly not to happen to us, despite having to face the problem of weighing any where in the country people, we are alone, face many serious problems, while we are powerless, need help then we must remember, believed that God Almighty will always love and help us with all his power. So if we want to avoid the stress, the attitude of hopelessness and suicidal behavior, we must have strong faith that is always remembered, trust and believe that God Almighty who has great qualities (Asma Ul Husna). The nature of God that we must believe, believe and remember most is not the nature of the Almighty, the Compassionate and the Supreme Helper. With faith in God, will be feeling tenag, peace, confidence and zest for life, will not go down despite facing a tough problem. That is because Allah Almighty.
Terimah kasih yang amat dalam kami ucapkan kepada AKI GENDENG yang
BalasHapustelah memberikan kebahagian bagi keluarga kami…berkat Beliau saya
sekarang udah hidup tenang karena orang tuaku udah buka usaha dan
punya modal untuk buka bengkel skrang pun orang tuaku tidak di
kejar-kejar hutang lagi…dan keluarga Kami di berikan Angka
Ritual/Goib Dari mbah yg sangat Jitu 100%dijamin
tembus…hingga keluarga kami sekarang merasa tenang
lagi…terimah kasih mbah…Jika Anda ada yg merasa kesulitan
masalah Nomer ToGEL silahkan hbg Aja AKI GENDENG
dinmr hp beliau (082-313-481-643)
dan saya sudah membuktikan 5 KALI berturut-Turut tembus terimah kasih AKI GENDENG
Hal yang tidak pernah terbayankan kini menjadi kenyataan dengan keluargaku,,,untuk AKI.NAWE kami ucapkan banyak terimakasih karna berkat bantuannya ALHAMDULILLAH keluarga kami bisa lepas dari hutang dan masalah,karna nomor “GHOIB”untuk pasang togel,hasil ritual KI NAWE meman benar2 merubah nasib kami hanya sekejap,dan disitulah aku berkesempatan kumpulkan uang untuk buka usaha kembali,karna baik rumah sudah disita,,warung makan jg sudah bangkrut,,tapi itu semua aku masih tetap bertahan hidup dengan anak istriku,,walau cuma kontrak tapi aku tetap bersabar dan akhirnya KI NAWE lah yang bisa merubah nasib kami..KI NAWE orang paling bersejarah kepada keluarga saya…!!! Kepada teman2 yang di lilit hutang dan ingin merubah nasib baik dari pada sekaran HBG: 085=218=379=259=AKI NAWE,dengan penuh harapan INSYAH ALLAH pasti tercapai dan sudah terbukti.
BalasHapusHal yang tidak pernah terbayankan kini menjadi kenyataan dengan keluargaku,,,untuk AKI.NAWE kami ucapkan banyak terimakasih karna berkat bantuannya ALHAMDULILLAH keluarga kami bisa lepas dari hutang dan masalah,karna nomor “GHOIB”untuk pasang togel,hasil ritual KI NAWE meman benar2 merubah nasib kami hanya sekejap,dan disitulah aku berkesempatan kumpulkan uang untuk buka usaha kembali,karna baik rumah sudah disita,,warung makan jg sudah bangkrut,,tapi itu semua aku masih tetap bertahan hidup dengan anak istriku,,walau cuma kontrak tapi aku tetap bersabar dan akhirnya KI NAWE lah yang bisa merubah nasib kami..KI NAWE orang paling bersejarah kepada keluarga saya…!!! Kepada teman2 yang di lilit hutang dan ingin merubah nasib baik dari pada sekaran HBG: 085=218=379=259=AKI NAWE,dengan penuh harapan INSYAH ALLAH pasti tercapai dan sudah terbukti.
assalamualaikum wr, wb….!!! Sujud syukur saya ucapkan
BalasHapuskepada ALLAH SWT dan saya sekeluarga sangat berterimakasih
banyak kepada (KI JOYO WIJOYO) atas bantuannya saya bisa
menang togel dan nomor ghoib yaitu 4D yang diberikan KI
alhamdulillah berhasil tembus.. karna sekarang ini
kehidupan saya jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya dan
semua hutang2 saya sudah pada lunas semua,,!!!
jika anda mau bukti bukan rekayasa silahkan
bergabung dengan KI JOYO WIJOYO:
Hubungi KI JOYO WIJOYO di No: 082 322 214 909 insya
allah beliua akan menbantu kesusahan anda apalagi kalau
anda terlilit hutang terima kasih….?? KARNA RASA HATI
Kisah Sukses Suami saya menjadi TKI – Ke Jepang, berkat bantuan Bpk Agusdin Subiantoro yang bekerja di BNP2TKI jakarta beliau selaku deputi penempatan BNP2TKI no hp beliau 0853-1115-1157
BalasHapuskisah cerita saya awal jadi TKI
Perkenalkan Nama Suami Saya Kurniawan Asal Temanggung Jateng.
Disini saya akan bercerita kisah sukses Suami yang menjadi kenyataan mimpi Beliau.
Seperti para pemuda umumnya dan dengan kondisi ekonomi Keluarga saya yang pas-pasan saya ikut merasa prihatin dan menghendaki adanya perubahan ekonomi dalam keluarga saya. Suami Saya lahir di salah satu kampung terpencil di kota Temanggung Provinsi Jawa Tengah, dimana struktur tanah tempat kelahiran dia adalah pegunungan dengan mata pencaharian masyarakat sekitar petani dan beternak. Pengorbanan keluarga yang selama mendidik, membina dan membiayai hidup saya selama ini tak cukup hanya sekedar saya mengikuti jejak orang tua suami saya menjadi petani, suami saya harus membuktikan kepada keluarga untuk menjadi yang terbaik, tetapi dimana dan bagaimana? Sisi lain saya tau saya hanya lulusan SLTA sedangkan lowongan pekerjaan hanya diperuntukan bagi lulusan Diploma dan Strata 1.
Pada pertengahan tahun 2011 saya bertemu dengan seorang teman lama di Jalan Raya Kranggan No. 36 Temanggung Jawa Tengah. Dia memperkenalkan saya dengan salah satu pejabat BNP2TKI PUSAT, Beliau adalah Deputi Penempatan BNP2TKI, Agusdin Subiantoro. Alamat BNP2TKI Jalan MT Haryono Kav 52, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan 12770.
Saya diberikan No Kontak Hp Beliau, dan saya mencoba menghubungi tepat jam 5 sore, singkat cerita saya'pun menyampaikan maksud tujuan saya, bahwa sudah lama suami saya mengimpikan bisa bekerja di japang. Beliaupun menyampaikan siap membantu dengan bisa meluluskan dengan beberapa prosedur , saya rasa prosedur itu tidak terlalu membebani saya. Dari sinilah saya menyetujui nya, yang sangat membuat Aku bersyukur adalah bahwa saya diminta melengkapi berkas untuk saya kirim ke kantor beliau dan sayapun disuruh menyiapkan biaya pengurusan murni sebesar Rp. 6.000.000. Inilah puncak kebahagiaan saya yang akhirnya suami saya bisa menginjakkan kaki dinegeri sakura japang.
Akhirnya saya mendapat panggilan untuk ke jakarta untuk dibinah selama 2 minggu lamanya, suami saya hanya diajarkan DASAR berbahasa japang. Makna yang terkandung didalamnya sangat luar biasa dirasakan oleh suami saya, tanggung jawab, disiplin, berani dan sebagainya merubah total karakter saya yang dulu cengeng dan kekanak-kanakan, walau kadangkala suami saya masih belum begitu yakin apakah dia bisa berangkat Ke Jepang dengan baik, akhirnya saya mendapat Contrak kerja selama 3 tahun lamanya di bidang industri.
Rasa pasrah dan khawatir menghinggapi saya saat itu, seorang anak kampung berangkat ke Jepang dengan menggunakan pesawat terbang yang sebelum belum pernah saya rasakan sebelumnya. Jangankan naik di atas pesawat melihat dari dekatpun suami saya belum pernah sama sekali.Di Bandara Soekarno Hatta kami di temani oleh petugas Depnakertrans dan IMM Japan untuk melepas keberangkatan kami, rasa haru dan air mata sedih berlinang di pipih saya pada saat suami saya di izinkan prtugas untuk pamit kepada keluarga yang kebetulan suami saya diantar oleh paman saya, kami saling berpelukan dan mohon salam dan restu dari orang tua dan keluarga.
Setibanya di NARITA AIRPORT Jepang,suami saya dijemput oleh petugas IMM Japan yang ada di sana, dan dia diantar ke Training Centre Yatsuka Saitama-ken untuk mengikuti pembekalan sebelum di lepas ke perusahaan penerima magang di Jepang. jika anda ingin seperti suami saya anda bisa, Hubungi Bpk Deputi Penempatan BNP2TKI, Agusdin Subiantoro Ini No Contak HP Beliau: 0853-1115-1157 siapa tahu beliau masih bisa membantu anda untuk mewujudkan impian anda menjadi sebuah kenyataan.
BalasHapusterimakasih kepada AKI JOYO WIJOYO atas angka togel yang di
berikan “4D” alhamdulillah ternyata itu benar2 jebol dan berkat
bantuan AKI JOYO WIJOYO saya bisa melunasi semua hutang2 orang tua saya yang
ada di BANK dan bukan hanya itu AKI alhamdulillah sekarang saya
sudah bisa bermodal sedikit untuk mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga saya
sehari2. itu semua berkat bantuan AKI JOYO WIJOYO sekali lagi makasih banyak
yah AKI… yang ingin merubah nasib seperti saya hubungi AKI JOYO WIJOYO di
nomor: (((_0823_2221_4909_)))
dijamin 100% jebol saya sudah buktikan…sendiri….
Apakah anda termasuk dalam kategori di bawah ini !!!!
1"Dikejar-kejar hutang
2"Selaluh kalah dalam bermain togel
3"Barang berharga anda udah habis terjual Buat judi togel
4"Anda udah kemana-mana tapi tidak menghasilkan solusi yg tepat
5"Udah banyak Dukun togel yang kamu tempati minta angka jitunya
tapi tidak ada satupun yang berhasil..